Artist Statement


As an artist I feel, the further I went away from the people and the life of my origins, the easier it was for me to experience myself clearly and to grasp who I am.


Who I am in relation to the many different forms of existence of people on this planet.


And that in fact how much in essence I am the same as the man that might look so different, next to me.


My journey to search for who I am on the inside took me far away looking around me on the far outside.








Born and Raised in Germany




USA and Canada, 5 months hitch hiking

Mexico, 3 months working in Mexico City.

Guatemala and Belize, 2 months backpack travel.




Studying Art Therapy at the “Freie Kunstudienstaette Ottersberg” by Bremen in Germany.




West Africa, 4 months hitch hiking from Germany to Spain, boat to Algeria and hitch hiking through the Sahara. Mostly staying with African friends and their families, sketching for paintings.





West Africa, 3 months visited the same friends, sketching for paintings.




Moving to San Francisco, California.




Starting fine art photography, taking black & white portraits of African American Men.




Haiti, 3 months volunteering in an AIDS hospice in Jeremie taking black and white portraits of friends and families outside of the hospice.




West Africa, 3 months visiting the same friends in Mali and traveling through Ghana, taking color portraits.




New Guinea, 3 months taking black & white and color portraits of people that still live a traditional live style, mostly untouched by outside influences.




New Guinea, 1 ½ months returning to the same people for more black & and white and color portraits.




South Africa, Mozambique and Swaziland, 3 months portraits of people in townships, villages and nature.